Reviewing Impress.js book

Book coverI was given the opportunity a few days ago of reviewing an impress.js’s book wrote by Rakhitha Nimesh.

As I said a year ago, impress.js is a javascript library that allows you to create impressive presentations like this one. The original idea seems to come from Prezi, but for all of us who like programming, making our own tools and storing our presentations in our own server, impress.js becomes our ally.

This book covers an introduction to impress.js, teaches the basics of how to install it, create elements, position them, interact with them and make transitions etc. But goes beyond that explaining you how to create websites using impress.js to totally crash the limits and make the perfect portafolio (something I’m looking forward to try myself!).

Also, the book includes a troubleshooting section at the end were some common problems the author found are explained to save you developing time, quite helpful.

If you would like to learn how to use impress.js without much effort I’m pretty sure you will appreciate the way this book covers the issue and guides you through all the impress.js possibilities saving you time looking for guides and tutorials online.

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