Help your designers to be more creative!

There’s many times when your designers come to you with some crazy ideas that aren’t good at all for websites as it would crash the layout too much or stop working on some browser/device due to compatibility, but many times what happens is just the opposite, they just don’t dare to ask for too much just in case, making too simple designs, or even worst, as technologies improve things that were not possible in the past now become possible, but as they are focused in designing they aren’t aware of the new CSS3 possibilities or any other coming, it is then for you to tell them what could they do to make sure your website design will be as cool as possible.

Style Properties
Let them know about some CSS effects that are quite trendy like shadows, rounded borders, gradients, opacities, etc.

Style Effects
Make sure they also know that you can add some effects when the mouse hovers different elements like inputs, or when you focus them, like:

  • :hover: Can also be used on hovering form fields or any element, not just links.
  • ::selector: Allows you to style the portion of an element that is selected by a user
  • :active: To style an active element (being clicked).
  • :focus: To style a focused field.
  • :disabled: When an HTML field is disabled (like a button you can’t click until you accept the terms and conditions) you can use this selector to make it have some special style.

And give them examples so that you make sure they understand what you mean.

Give them some ideas just browsing and sending them some websites with nice effects or implemented JS plugins. You may find some at

Some nice ideas:

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