Some tips on C# Generics

Defining interfaces

You can define that a generic must implement an interface, which in essence allows you to know beforehand that a generic type will have a certain method (making it less generic)

    public interface ISearchable
        void Search();

    public class SomeClass<T> where T : ISearchable
        public void DoSomething(T entity)
            entity.Search(); // Can do this on a generic type because it's implementing ISearchable

You can also use generics on the interfaces, in this case:

    public interface ISearchable<TEntity>
        TEntity Search();

    public class SomeClass<T> where T : ISearchable<T>
        public T FindMe(T entity)
            return entity.Search();

Now when referencing the interface we must set the generic type too.

Warning!: If you set a constraint on a generic type any type given to the class will necessarily have to implement such type or it won’t compile, this is important to remember as when you didn’t define a generic type the compiler may be telling you that your type doesn’t follow the constraints on the generic type you are trying to emulate. So following the previous example:

    public interface ISearchable<TEntity>
        TEntity Search();

    public class SomeClass<T> where T : ISearchable<T>
        public T FindMe(T entity)
            return entity.Search();

    public class Dog : ISearchable<Dog>
        public Dog Search()
            throw new NotImplementedException();

    public class Cat {}

    public class AnotherClass
        public AnotherClass()
            var dog = new SomeClass<Dog>(); // Correct.
            var cat = new SomeClass<Cat>(); // This won't compile

Generic methods

You can also use generics on methods:

    public interface IMappeable
        T MapAs<T>();

Now we can attach this method to any class allowing to define the type to which we map later.

    public class CatAge : IMappeable
        private int Age;

        public T MapAs<T>()
            var converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(T));
            var result = converter.ConvertTo(Age, typeof(T));
            return (T)result;

    public class AnotherClass
        public AnotherClass()
            var catAge = new CatAge();
            var ageAsLong = catAge.MapAs<long>();

An interesting library to use here is System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter which allows us to convert from base types without knowing the type until run time.

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